Cisco Smart Install - IOS-XE Upgrade Caveat
This was created for and used with FreeZTP, but can likely be used with any Jinja2 templating system.
IOS-XE 3.7.4 cannot upgrade to 16.3.6 via smart-install because new force
isn't appended. This workaround utilizes EEM applets in a Jinja2 switch template to download install the updated image.
Expand for Switch Upgrade Failure Log
Would you like to enter the initial configuration dialog? [yes/no]:
Loading ztp_ios_upgrade from (via Vlan1): !
[OK - 38 bytes]
Preparing install operation ...
[1]: Downloading file tftp://
SPA.bin to active switch 1
[1]: Finished downloading file tftp://
SPA.bin to active switch 1
[1]: Copying software from active switch 1 to switch 2
[1]: Finished copying software to switch 2
[1 2]: Starting install operation
[1 2]: Expanding bundle cat3k_caa-universalk9.16.03.06.SPA.bin
[1 2]: Copying package files
[1 2]: Package files copied
[1 2]: Finished expanding bundle cat3k_caa-universalk9.16.03.06.SPA.bin
[1 2]: Verifying and copying expanded package files to flash:
[1 2]: Verified and copied expanded package files to flash:
[1 2]: Starting compatibility checks
[1]: % Candidate package compatibility checks failed because the following
package dependencies were not satisfied. Operation aborted.
[2]: % Candidate package compatibility checks failed because the following
package dependencies were not satisfied. Operation aborted.
[1]: % An internal error was encountered. Operation aborted.
[2]: % An internal error was encountered. Operation aborted.
ERROR: Software Installation Failed: 35 2
Loading network-confg from (via Vlan1): !
[OK - 69 bytes]
Loading ZTP-23CFBA478F-confg from (via Vlan1): !
[OK - 77012 bytes]
TAC confirmation
Case Notes
The behavior is expected due to the command syntax difference as you suspected. We documented the behavior in a bug below: The running code 3.7.4E is affected and this issue is fixed on 3.6.8E.
Is it possible for you to try the following?
- Upgrade from 3.7.4E to 3.6.8E via smart install
- Upgrade from 3.6.8E to 16.3.6 via smart install
- Validated on Cisco 3850-12X48U-S switches with IOS-XE 3.7.4E installed out of the box; upgrading to IOS-XE 16.3.6.
- Default TFTP blocksize is
on IOS-XE 3.7.4E, and8192
on IOS-XE 16.3.6; adding this to the template significantly reduces the image transfer time. - The J2 template should not contain any configuration or syntax that is incompatible in IOS-XE version (3.7.4E). Any commands that are compatible with later IOS-XE versions only should be added to the
Applet: post_ztp_1
Triggered by the switch receiving a DHCP address on Vlan1; notes regarding the
;action 01.00 ... maxrun 900
- 15 minutes to accommodate the 2 minute wait, the 4-5 minute TFTP download, and the 5-6 minute install.action 01.01 wait 120
- Vlan1 obtains a DHCP address approximately 1.5 minutes before the switch will allow configurations if stacked (see IOS-XE 3.7.4E Log below). This wait can be omitted for stand-alone switches.
Applet: post_ztp_2
Triggered by IOS-XE 16.x specific redundancy syslog message; notes regarding the
;action 01.00 ... maxrun 600
- 10 minutes to accommodate the 2 minute wait, any optional configuration changes and the software package clean process.action 01.01 wait 120
- Redundancy syslog message is logged approximately 1.75 minutes before the switch will allow configurations if stacked (see IOS-XE 16.3.6 Log below). This wait can be omitted for stand_alone switches.
Switch is powered up connected to the provisioning network and initiates smart-install. Switch requests an upgrade first but no image is downloaded since image download is disabled in FreeZTP.
Switch requests config, FreeZTP gives a (merged) config containing the required config.
Switch applies configuration with Vlan1 configured for DHCP addressing.
is triggered by Vlan1 obtaining a DHCP address.
[EEM Applet
loaded to memory.]- Applet deletes itself from running config, downloads the bin file, cleans up temp configs and writes the startup-config.
- Switch then runs the
software install
command, answers y to reload prompt from install command.
Switch reloads.
is triggered by a syslog command specific to IOS-XE 16.x (%IOSXE_REDUNDANCY-6-PEER).This trigger may need to be changed! I'm unsure if this syslog message is present when provisioning a stand-alone switch as I never tested this scenario. I will update if I get an opportunity to test this on a stand-alone switch.
[EEM applet
loaded into memory.]- Applet deletes itself from running configuration and writes the startup-config.
- (Optional) Add action sequences for any IOS-XE 16.x specific commands.
- Applet runs the package clean process to delete the old .pkg and packages.conf file(s).
Required Config
Disable FreeZTP image downloads.
with the name of your configured DHCP scope. -
Allocate a provisioning interface as
; i.e. the interface connected to the provisioning network. -
Modify the variables in the template config snippet below to suit network/needs, then add the whole snippet to the J2 switch template.
These four variables can be defined in the keystore or left in the template.
Variable Description tftp_addr
Address of TFTP server, typically FreeZTP. access_vlan
Vlan to configure on the provisioning interface (Gi1/0/48) after upgrade/reload is complete. prov_int
Interface to be used for provisioning; e.g. Te1/0/48 (3850-12X48U-S interfaces 37-48 are TenGigabitEthernet.) image.bin|ver
Name of the image file to download, and the image version short-hand.
Template Config Snippet
!-- EEM applet to upgrade switches accordingly (ALL SUBSEQUENT LINES ARE REQUIRED).
!---- {%set sw_count=idarray|count%}
!---- {%set tftp_addr=""%}
!---- {%set access_vlan="501"%}
!---- {%set prov_int="Te1/0/48"%}
!---- {%set image={"bin":"cat3k_caa-universalk9.16.03.06.SPA.bin",
!-- Required for EEM applet to function as intended.
logging buffered 20480 debugging
file prompt quiet
ip tftp blocksize 8192
!-- Required for TFTP transfers from FreeZTP (or other reachable TFTP server; i.e. `tftp_addr`).
interface Vlan1
ip address dhcp
no shutdown
!-- Interface that is connected to the provisioning network, must remain on Vlan1 for TFTP download.
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/48
description TMP//PROVISION:Omit config; updated with post_ztp_2 EEM applet.
switchport mode access
switchport nonegotiate
switchport access vlan 1
spanning-tree portfast
no shutdown
event manager environment q "
event manager applet sw_upgrade
!-- Check all switches in stack to see if an upgrade is needed.
event syslog occurs 1 pattern "Configured from tftp://{{tftp_addr}}" maxrun 960
action 00.00 syslog msg "\n ## Configuration received via TFTP, run 'sw_upgrade' EEM applet in 120s."
action 00.01 wait 120
action 00.02 syslog msg "\n ## Checking all switches' version."
action 00.03 cli command "enable"
action 00.04 cli command "show mod | i ^.[1-9]"
action 00.05 set stack "$_cli_result"
action 00.06 syslog msg "\n ## Current list of switches in stack;\n$stack"
action 00.07 set error_list ""
action 00.08 set upgrade_list ""
!{% for sw in idarray %}
!{% set i = loop.index %}
action 0{{i}}.00 set sw_num "{{i}}"
action 0{{i}}.01 set pri "16"
action 0{{i}}.02 decrement pri {{i}}
action 0{{i}}.03 regexp "{{sw}}" "$stack"
action 0{{i}}.04 if $_regexp_result ne "1"
action 0{{i}}.05 append error_list "\n ## {{sw}} is allocated (idarray_{{i}}) but was not found in the stack."
action 0{{i}}.06 else
action 0{{i}}.07 set i "0"
action 0{{i}}.08 foreach line "$stack" "\n"
action 0{{i}}.09 increment i
action 0{{i}}.10 if $i le "{{sw_count}}"
action 0{{i}}.11 string trim "$line"
action 0{{i}}.12 set line "$_string_result"
action 0{{i}}.13 regexp "{{sw}}" "$line"
action 0{{i}}.14 if $_regexp_result eq "1"
action 0{{i}}.15 regexp "([0-9\.A-Z]+$)" "$line" curr_ver
action 0{{i}}.16 if $curr_ver ne "{{image.ver}}"
action 0{{i}}.17 append upgrade_list "{{i}}"
action 0{{i}}.18 end
action 0{{i}}.19 break
action 0{{i}}.20 end
action 0{{i}}.21 end
action 0{{i}}.22 end
action 0{{i}}.23 end
!{% endfor %}
action 10.00 wait 5
action 10.01 if $error_list ne ""
action 10.02 syslog msg "\n ## The following errors occurred; $error_list"
action 10.03 end
action 11.00 cli command "conf t"
action 11.01 cli command "no event man app sw_upgrade"
action 12.00 if $upgrade_list eq ""
action 12.01 syslog msg "\n ## All switches are running version {{target_ver}}, skipping download->upgrade/reload.\n ## Finalizing config in 20s."
action 12.02 cli command "no event man env q"
action 12.03 cli command "event man env ztp_upgraded no"
action 12.04 cli command " event man app post_upgrade"
action 12.05 cli command " event timer countdown time 20 maxrun 480"
action 12.06 cli command " no action 00.00"
action 12.07 cli command " no action 00.01"
action 12.08 cli command " end"
action 12.09 cli command "write mem" pattern "confirm|#"
action 12.10 cli command ""
action 12.11 else
action 12.12 syslog msg "\n ## One or more switches require an upgrade to version {{target_ver}} ($upgrade_list).\n ## Proceeding with download->upgrade/reload."
action 12.13 cli command "event man env ztp_upgraded yes"
action 12.14 cli command "event man app post_upgrade"
action 12.15 cli command " event syslog occurs 1 pattern $q%IOSXE_REDUNDANCY-6-PEER$q maxrun 630"
action 12.16 cli command " no event man env q"
action 12.17 cli command "end"
action 12.18 cli command "write mem" pattern "confirm|#"
action 12.19 cli command ""
action 12.20 syslog msg "\n ## (Standby) Downloading image..."
action 12.21 cli command "copy tftp://{{tftp_addr}}/{{image.bin}} flash:"
action 12.22 syslog msg "\n ## (Standby) Image downloaded, upgrading..."
action 12.23 cli command "software install file flash:{{image.bin}} new force" pattern "proceed|#"
action 12.24 syslog msg "\n ## Upgrade complete, rebooting."
action 12.25 cli command "y"
action 12.26 end
event manager applet post_upgrade
!-- Clean up VL-1 and `prov_int` configs, write mem, and then perform package clean.
!-- (Optional) Add any desired configs between actions 03.00 and 04.00.
event none
action 00.00 syslog msg "\n ## Switch reloaded on new image, running 'post_upgrade' EEM applet in 150s."
action 00.01 wait 150
action 00.02 syslog msg "\n ## Applying global configs ignored by smart-install and generating crypto key."
action 00.03 cli command "enable"
action 00.04 set upgr "$ztp_upgraded"
action 01.00 cli command "conf t"
action 01.01 cli command "no event man env ztp_upgraded"
action 01.02 cli command "no event man app post_upgrade"
!-- action 02.00 cli command "" {# Use actions 02.00 - 02.99 for desired configs or configs specific to later IOS-XE version(s). #}
action 03.00 syslog msg "\n ## Disabling VL-1 SVI, updating Te#/0/48 configs, and writing startup config."
action 03.01 cli command "int vl 1"
action 03.02 cli command " no desc"
action 03.03 cli command " no ip addr"
action 03.04 cli command " shut"
action 03.05 cli command "default range {{prov_int}}"
action 03.06 cli command "int {{prov_int}}"
!-- action 03.07 cli command "" {# Use actions 3.07 - 3.99 to configure `prov_int` as desired. #}
action 04.00 cli command "end"
action 04.01 cli command "write mem" pattern "confirm|#"
action 04.02 cli command ""
action 05.00 if $upgr eq "yes"
action 05.01 syslog msg "\n ## (Standby) ZTP upgrade detected, performing software package clean..."
action 05.02 cli command "req plat soft pack clean sw all" pattern "proceed|#"
action 05.03 cli command "y"
action 05.04 syslog msg "\n ## Unused .bin or .pkg files from previous version(s) have been deleted."
action 05.05 else
action 05.06 syslog msg "\n ## ZTP upgrade not detected, skipping software package clean."
action 05.07 end
action 05.08 syslog msg "\n ## Start-up config written, ({{hostname}}) is ready for deployment, OK to power off."