Cisco Trunk-splosion Protection

On IOS switches with EEM, protect yourself (and less careful Jr engineers) with this applet that will prevent allowed-vlan-mishaps on trunks!

I stash my error message in a .tcl file so its less likely to be discovered since the text won't show in the switch's configuration.

First, create: flash:/nedry.tcl with the following text:

flash:/nedry.tcl (file on switch)
puts "\n  ## Ahh ahh ahh, you didn't say the magic word.\n  ##\n  ##\n  ## Command was rejected, please try again.\n  ## ...remember to use 'add|remove' when following 'switchport trunk allowed' with a number.\n  ## e.g. switchport trunk allowed vlan add|remove <vlan(s)>\n  ##\n  ## For *NEW* trunked interfaces, start with `switchport trunk allowed vlan none`."

Then add this EEM applet to the switch's config:

EEM applet (config on switch)
event manager applet dennis
 event cli pattern "switchport trunk allowed vlan [0-9*]" sync yes
 action 00.00 cli command "enable"
 action 00.01 cli command "tclsh flash:nedry.tcl"
 action 00.02 puts "$_cli_result"

With this, the switch will reject the command and print out an error message any time switchport trunk allowed vlan is typed and followed with a number; i.e. without explicitly including add or remove.

This will catch shorthand versions of the command since EEM doesn't parse it until the switch translates it to the full command; e.g. sw tr all vl # will get snagged just fine.

Example output...
  ## Ahh ahh ahh, you didn't say the magic word.
  ## Command was rejected, please try again.
  ## ...remember to use 'add|remove' when following 'switchport trunk allowed' with a number.
  ## e.g. switchport trunk allowed vlan add|remove <vlan(s)>
  ## For *NEW* trunked interfaces, start with `switchport trunk allowed vlan none`.
