Cisco EEM: Auto Interface Descriptions
These are my own versions of the ever-evolving Port Description EEM applet for Cisco IOS/IOS-XE; based on Joe Clarke's Cisco Communities thread, Automatically Set Port Descriptions.
These applets will automatically update the description of an interface where a new CDP neighbor is detected, if not already described accordingly.
- The description will only be updated if the existing description does not match the new description.
- A syslog message is generated regarding the new CDP neighbor and whether or not the interface description was changed.
- Any time a description is changed, the configuration is written (to startup).
- My personal preference/best-practice is to keep interface descriptions concise so all relevant information can be seen when
show int status
is int status | i connected Gi1/0/1 [SEP]8865/ABCD connected 1 a-full a-100 10/100/1000BaseTX Gi1/0/13 [ATA]190/ABCD connected 1 a-full a-100 10/100/1000BaseTX Te1/0/37 [AP]3802I/abcd connected 2 a-full a-5000 100/1000/2.5G/5G/10GBaseTX Te1/1/4 DIST-01:1/1/1 connected trunk full 10G SFP-10GBase-LR Te2/1/4 DIST-02:1/1/1 connected trunk full 10G SFP-10GBase-LR Po1 DIST-01:Po101 connected trunk a-full a-10G
Applet Configuration
See the examples in the tables below for each description's meaning/syntax.
There are two versions of the applet;
updates descriptions without neighbor platform check, general use-case: core/dist switches.cdp_desc_plat
updates descriptions with neighbor platform check, general use-case: access switches.
Applet: cdp_desc
This version of the applet sets the interface description to the neighbor hostname and interface.
$nei |
: | $neiint |
Example |
Neighbor hostname | Delimiter | Neighbor interface | DIST-02:1/1/1 |
event manager applet cdp_desc
event neighbor-discovery interface regexp Ethernet[1-9]/[0-1]/[0-9]+$ cdp add
action 00.00 cli command "enable"
action 00.01 string range "$_nd_local_intf_name" 0 1
action 00.02 set type "$_string_result"
action 00.03 regexp "[/0-9]+$" "$_nd_local_intf_name" int
action 00.04 regexp "[/0-9]+$" "$_nd_port_id" neiint
action 00.05 if $neiint eq "0"
action 00.06 set neiint "mgmt"
action 00.07 end
action 00.08 regexp "^[^\.\(]+" "$_nd_cdp_entry_name" nei
action 00.09 set newdesc "$nei:$neiint"
action 01.00 cli command "show int $_nd_local_intf_name | i ^[\ ]*[Dd]escription"
action 01.01 set output "$_cli_result"
action 01.02 regexp "^\ *[Dd]escription" "$output"
action 01.03 if $_regexp_result ne "1"
action 01.04 set olddesc "<none>"
action 01.05 else
action 01.06 set i "0"
action 01.07 foreach line "$output" "\n"
action 01.08 increment i
action 01.09 if $i eq "1"
action 01.10 string trim "$line"
action 01.11 set line "$_string_result"
action 01.12 regexp "^\ *[Dd]escription:\ *(.*)" "$line" match olddesc
action 01.13 end
action 01.14 end
action 01.15 end
action 02.00 if $newdesc eq $olddesc
action 02.01 syslog msg " ## New CDP neighbor on $type$int ($newdesc), description does not require updating."
action 02.02 else
action 02.03 syslog msg " ## New CDP neighbor on $type$int ($newdesc), updating description (was: $olddesc)."
action 02.04 cli command "conf t"
action 02.05 cli command "int $_nd_local_intf_name"
action 02.06 cli command "desc $newdesc"
action 02.07 cli command "end"
action 02.08 cli command "write mem" pattern "confirm|#"
action 02.09 cli command ""
action 02.10 end
Applet: cdp_desc_plat
This version of the applet gathers more information if AIR, Phone, or ATA is found in the CDP neighbor's platform string ($_nd_cdp_platform
), otherwise it does exactly what the cdp_desc
applet does.
This is intended for use on access switches where devices such as wireless APs and IP Phones or ATAs are connected. Quite often some (or all) of these devices aren't adequately renamed once adopted to the network; i.e. their hostnames are not set. Their default hostnames can be quite long, so to adhere with the aforementioned consideration (personal best-practice) the applet does the following for each platform type...
AIR (Cisco AP)
- Applet gets the AP model number from
. -
Applet gets the last four of the AP's ethernet MAC address; i.e. checks the connected interface for a MAC address in the CAPWAP VLAN, this should be the AP.
NOTE: In action 00.23, replace
with the CAPWAP VLAN ID. -
Applet will describe the interface as follows;
[AP] $model
/ $macaddr
Example Descriptor AP Model Delimiter Last four digits of AP's ethernet MAC [AP]3802I/abcd
- Applet gets the phone model number from
. - Applet gets the last four of the phone's ethernet MAC address (from the hostname).
Applet will describe the interfaces as follows;
[SEP] $model
/ $macaddr
Example Descriptor Phone Model Delimiter Last four digits of phone's ethernet MAC [SEP]8865/ABCD
ATA (Analog Telephone Adapter)
- Applet gets the ATA model number from
. - Applet gets the last four of the ATA's ethernet MAC address (from the hostname).
Applet will describe the interfaces as follows;
[ATA] $model
/ $macaddr
Example Descriptor ATA Model Delimiter Last four digits of ATA's ethernet MAC [ATA]190/ABCD
event manager applet cdp_desc_plat
event neighbor-discovery interface regexp Ethernet[1-9]/[0-1]/[0-9]+$ cdp add
action 00.00 cli command "enable"
action 00.01 string range "$_nd_local_intf_name" 0 1
action 00.02 set type "$_string_result"
action 00.03 regexp "[/0-9]+$" "$_nd_local_intf_name" int
action 00.04 regexp "[/0-9]+$" "$_nd_port_id" neiint
action 00.05 if $neiint eq "0"
action 00.06 set neiint "mgmt"
action 00.07 end
action 00.08 regexp "AIR|Phone|ATA" "$_nd_cdp_platform" neiplat
action 00.09 if $_regexp_result ne "1"
action 00.10 regexp "^[^\.\(]+" "$_nd_cdp_entry_name" nei
action 00.11 set newdesc "$nei:$neiint"
action 00.12 else
action 00.20 if $neiplat eq "AIR"
action 00.21 regexp "AIR-AP([A-Z0-9]+)" "$_nd_cdp_platform" match model
action 00.22 cli command "show mac addr int $type$int | i $int.*$"
action 00.23 regexp "^\ *{{}}\ *[a-f0-9]+\.[a-f0-9]+\.([a-f0-9]+)" "$_cli_result" match macaddr
action 00.24 set newdesc "[AP]$model/$macaddr"
action 00.30 elseif $neiplat eq "Phone"
action 00.31 regexp "[0-9]+$" "$_nd_cdp_platform" model
action 00.32 regexp "....$" "$_nd_cdp_entry_name" macaddr
action 00.33 set newdesc "[SEP]$model/$macaddr"
action 00.40 elseif $neiplat eq "ATA"
action 00.41 regexp "[0-9]+$" "$_nd_cdp_platform" model
action 00.42 regexp "....$" "$_nd_cdp_entry_name" macaddr
action 00.43 set newdesc "[ATA]$model/$macaddr"
action 00.98 end
action 00.99 end
action 01.00 cli command "show int $_nd_local_intf_name | i ^\ *[Dd]escription"
action 01.01 set output "$_cli_result"
action 01.02 regexp "^\ *[Dd]escription" "$output"
action 01.03 if $_regexp_result ne "1"
action 01.04 set olddesc "<none>"
action 01.05 else
action 01.06 set i "0"
action 01.07 foreach line "$output" "\n"
action 01.08 increment i
action 01.09 if $i eq "1"
action 01.10 string trim "$line"
action 01.11 set line "$_string_result"
action 01.12 regexp "^\ *[Dd]escription:\ *(.*)" "$line" match olddesc
action 01.13 end
action 01.14 end
action 01.15 end
action 02.00 if $newdesc eq $olddesc
action 02.01 syslog msg " ## New CDP neighbor on $type$int ($newdesc), description does not require updating."
action 02.02 else
action 02.03 syslog msg " ## New CDP neighbor on $type$int ($newdesc), updating description (was: $olddesc)."
action 02.04 cli command "conf t"
action 02.05 cli command "int $_nd_local_intf_name"
action 02.06 cli command "desc $newdesc"
action 02.07 cli command "end"
action 02.08 cli command "write mem" pattern "confirm|#"
action 02.09 cli command ""
action 02.10 end